Plant a Smile at Pelion Outdoor Classroom!

Your youth and out-of-town visitors are also welcome to join us at Pelion summer mornings for all sorts of nature activities!


This winter, Ms.Caesandra is enrolled in the Community Garden Leadership Certification. Could you help her with one piece of homework? What core agreement or rules do you think would make Pelion successful this growing season? "For this assignment, create two items that you would propose to your garden that should be included as core shared agreements. Also, create 2 rules of engagement that you would propose to include in your garden's bylaws or future gardener agreements. Invite other garden members to be part of this process and seek their feedback or contribution as you complete this assignment." Example: "All gardeners must contribute at least two hours per month to communal tasks, such as weeding, composting, or maintaining shared spaces, to ensure the garden remains a well-kept and welcoming environment for everyone."


HAPPY YEAR OF THE SNAKE! We can't decide who was a better garden helper--Bentley or the DeKay's Brown snake that visited our garden last year--buuuuut only ONE of these cuties eats SLUGS! We <3 snakes!!


HEEEEEYYYY! We received our first holiday tree donation--THANKS! Please keep'm coming. We need at least 15-20 trees if they're under 6' Ms.Caesandra won't be in BFLO for January to go around and collect any so if you have a little truck and some time to scout, we'd really appreciate it. Set them on any of the covered beds or pile them in the 3 Sisters Island.


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Pelion Garden

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by your donations